WOMAN – Portrait de la beauté (2019)
The Galerie Lelong & Co. invited Jean-Baptiste Huynh to present WOMAN – Portait de la beauté, a series of mostly unseen photographs, in its space on Avenue Matignon in Paris.
WOMAN, Jean-Baptiste Huynh’s artistic project carried out from 2018 through 2020, highlights the beauty of the female face. Portraiture has been the cornerstone Jean-Baptiste Huynh’s work for the last 25 years. WOMAN follows on from the study of faces he has compiled throughout different age ranges among the major cultural groups from 1996 to today (China, South Korea, Ethiopia, India, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mali, Uzbekistan, Peru, Vietnam, etc.).
“As a visual artist and photographer, I naturally explore the concept of beauty through the gaze and the interpretation of reality through light. This has fueled my work since I started thirty years ago, and is now the subject of my photographic study of the beauty of the female face in its universality, authenticity, and timelessness across the world. Meanwhile, I am also conducting a series of interviews with leading figures from a variety of backgrounds, including acting, neuroscience, poetry, music, fashion design, architecture, art gallery management, art collection, and modelling. I ask each person the same questions: What is beauty? What is beauty as represented by the artist?”